How to Make the Most Out of Your Retail Display Options in Canada
Across North America, companies are finding their retail display options are limited by their small amount of space available. This means they’re left to use a cramped area that holds limited value in terms of their marketing objectives. Our trusted team at PointISM helps guide companies in working with their display spaces and in this latest post, we’ll showcase how to make the most out of your limited space by building a refined retail display.
Consider wall grids
One of the best options for companies with a smaller retail space is the use of grid options. The grid can be used to showcase tools, accessories, and clothing to limit the need for traditional display areas. Grid displays are also a flexible way to use corner space in the store.
Maximize lighting areas
A leading mistake many companies with small retail spaces make is not using light to their advantage. They cover windows with displays that darken the room and place lighting equipment in areas obfuscated by taller display areas. Make sure that LED lighting is used throughout the retail environment and focus on your products and their visibility. Lighting should be pointed toward high priority sales items to align your display designs with your marketing objectives.
Work with spinning displays
Another great way to use a smaller space is to work with spinning displays. Companies across North America are now using a revolving retail display to highlight a number of products without the need for a wider display or higher, inaccessible display. The customer can see each of the items directly while having quick access to the required products.
Focus on display colour
The colour of your displays is another way in which you can boost sales within a smaller space. Make sure your displays use greys and neutral colours. This gives the impression the space around the display is larger and brighter.
Our experienced team at PointISM is committed to providing the highest quality retail display designs and helping companies transform their flagging marketing campaigns. To explore more about our services, call us today.
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