The Science & Art Behind the Retail Display Market in Canada
Retail is a competitive industry and companies within the industry must commit to scientific techniques to create their edge. Our team at PointISM has many years’ experience in the retail marketing industry, and within this post, we’re looking at the science and the art behind the retail display market in Canada.
Moving Displays Engage Buyers
Displays that are flexible are often used in furniture and decoration stores. These displays are rarely fixed to the building, as the team must continually move their products to attract target buyers. Buyers may visit the store multiple times before selecting a product, and it’s important in some retail markets that the customer sees a fresh display.
Keeping Traffic Moving
The retail marketplace also focuses on keeping traffic moving around the store. Generally, this involves having an entrance to the right of the store and an exit on the left, which means the average person will go throughout the store to find the product they need while moving in a natural direction according to traffic.
Product Placement
Another important consideration within the retail display industry in Canada is the placement of specific products. Staple items in grocery stores are often placed at the back of a store so that the average customer visiting the store has to go through the entire store and see all the products to get to the product they want. This is also used in other retail stores, where the most popular products are placed in deeper areas of the building.
Limit View from Outside
The view from the outside should entice customers inside the store. But many companies make the mistake of showing too much of the store from the outside. The customer should see just enough to be interested, without you having to show the whole store.
When choosing an expert for retail display options in Canada, it’s imperative you work with an experienced firm with a clear commitment to outstanding display design. Our team is one of the most experienced in the industry. To learn more about our service options, please contact us directly.
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