Expert Tips for Using Grocery Store POP Displays
POP displays are now utilized in businesses across the country to drive attention to products and maximize sales. Working with the highest quality POP displays can help ensure a lasting return on investment for product manufacturers. Our team at PointISM has decades of experience in-store merchandising and in this latest post, we’re presenting our tips for using POP displays in a grocery store.
Combine with recipes and other useful information
POP displays can bring the product to the customer’s attention. But once the display has their attention, it’s important that you use further information to compel the customer to action. For example, within a Grocery Store POP display for a food product, you might add a recipe to the display to hold the customer’s attention.
Place POP displays near popular staples
Products such as eggs and milk will be the product that most areas go to when they visit the store. These staples are products that customers buy on a regular basis and are the areas of the store that see the most foot traffic. Take the time to ensure POP displays are located within these high-traffic areas.
Use the unexpected to your advantage
It’s important you’re creative within your POP displays. Try to imagine how you might best surprise your target customers within your POP displays. The display, for example, might be designed to represent how customers enjoy the product. These types of creative marketing decisions can help ensure customers remember the display for the months ahead.
Don’t create barriers
One of the leading issues many stores have in using POP displays is that the display becomes a barrier to other areas of the building. For example, it might prevent the customer from walking through to the area with product samples, defeating the purpose of the marketing display. Make sure that all traffic routes throughout the store are carefully considered in integrating POP displays and speak with in-store teams about the location options.
Our experienced team at PointISM is committed to creating memorable displays that transform your merchandising process. To learn more about the many ways to utilize POP displays within a store, please contact our team today.
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